On June 9, 2023, a group of parishioners from the Lutheran Church of Vyborg attended the inauguration of the Agricultural Bible School at Vesenneye Solntse / Vårsol, a social village for families with own and adopted children in Taytsy, Leningrad Oblast. Cordial congratulations to school principal Eduard Gnezdilov, a Lutheran church minister from … [Read more...]
Harilastiftelsen Håp and Vyborg Lutheran Church celebrate partnership
On June 6, 2023, a group of Norwegian Christians led by evangelist Steinar Harila, the founder of the charitable foundation Harilastiftelsen Håp (formerly, Hjelp til Russland) visited Sts. Peter and Paul Lutheran Church in Vyborg, Leningrad Oblast. Harilastiftelsen Håp provides assistance to disadvantaged people in the Vyborg/St. … [Read more...]
Vårsol hosts Christian program for children & youth
Around 100 children and teenagers attended a Christian program hosted by Vesenneye Solntse (Vårsol)* Social Village in Taytsy, Leningrad Oblast, from June 27 to July 3, 2022. The program was a collaboration project for the children accommodated at Vesenneye Solntse and those from several other villages in Leningrad Oblast. Thanks be to … [Read more...]
Vårsol Hosts Children’s Retreat
Since August 28, 2020, Vårsol/Vesenneye solntse Social Village in Taytsy, Leningrad Oblast, has been holding children’s Christian retreat The Sea Journey. On the first day, the children went on a journey with Noah. They learned how long his ark was, how many animals were aboard, and how long the flood lasted. The day included outdoor games, Bible … [Read more...]
Vårsol Hosts One Lost Little Sheep Program
From July 12-14, 2020, Vårsol Social Village in Taytsy, Leningrad Oblast, conducted a children’s fellowship program entitled “A Lost Little Sheep.” On Sunday, some of the program’s participants were able to visit Skvoritsy Church, attend the worship service and a Sunday school lesson. Photo credits: Vårsol Facebook page Source and photos … [Read more...]