On May 8, 2021, St. Mary's Lutheran Congregation of Voronezh in collaboration with the city’s administration organized a volunteer clean-up near the Lutheran church. For the time being, the ELCIR congregation in Voronezh has to rent its space, however the church members see it as their duty to keep the land in good order around the building … [Read more...]
Photos: Bishop Laptev Celebrates Worship Service and Facilitates Seminar in Voronezh
On April 18, 2021, Bishop Ivan Laptev celebrated a worship service and facilitated a seminar at the Lutheran Church of Voronezh. Original post in Russian & photos … [Read more...]
Rev. Starilov Ministers to Elderly in Their Homes
The ELCIR clergyman in Voronezh regularly celebrates worship services in people’s homes, so that elderly congregants can hear God’s Word at home without endangering their health. The photos from the FB page of the ELCIR Congregation of Voronezh show Rev. Mikhail Starilov serving in a church member’s apartment on February 19, 2021. Original … [Read more...]