On February 25, 2024, Pastor Aleksei Schastlivy from Borisoglebsk administered the Sacrament of Holy Baptism to the child Emilian at the Lutheran Church of Voronezh. The family of the child’s father, Pierre Sanguero, belonged to a Protestant church in the Central African Republic. Pierre would like his children to follow Christ in a Protestant … [Read more...]
Bethlehem Center workers attend youth forum in Voronezh
On September 21, 2023, the city of Voronezh hosted the youth forum "Deistvuy!" (“Do It!”) organized by the region’s Civic Chamber. The forum which went for more than 7 hours included lectures, trainings, discussions, and roundtable talks on relevant social issues. Renowned figure-skater Alexei Yagudin was a special guest of the forum. Voronezh … [Read more...]
Confirmation in Voronezh
On July 30, 2023, the Lutheran Church of Voronezh celebrated the confirmation of Yelena! The rite was officiated by Pastor Aleksei Schastlivy. Praise the Lord! Original post in Russian … [Read more...]
Bishop Laptev visits ELCIR Southern Deanery
On July 3, 2023, ELCIR Bishop Ivan Laptev and Southern Dean Valeri Antipov started a visitation of the deanery’s congregations, visiting also some of the congregations in the Moscow Deanery. Itinerary: St. Petersburg – Tver – Schyokino – Borisoglebsk - Saratov – Voronezh – Kursk – Zheleznogorsk – Moscow – St. Petersburg. As they … [Read more...]
Dean Valeri Antipov, Natalia Antipov visit congregations in Kursk and Voronezh
During the weekend of Feb. 19-20, 2022, Rev. Valeri Antipov, ELCIR southern region dean, and his wife Natalia, ELCIR family work coordinator, visited the congregations in Kursk and Voronezh. Pastor Valeri celebrated a divine service at each congregation. Also, Natalia Antipova held a family seminar in Kursk. Information courtesy of Natalia … [Read more...]