By Natalia Antipova On March 25-26, 2021, workers of the ELCIR Headquarters, Bishop Laptev, and active workers of St. Luke's Lutheran Congregation of Rzhev traveled together to a recreation center near Lake Seliger 110 km (68 miles) from Rzhev for recreation, devotions, and discussions of ministry. They reminded themselves of the biblical … [Read more...]
ELCIR Enters Season of Lent
Click this link to see photos of different ELCIR congregations holding the Ash Wednesday worship service on February 17, 2021 … [Read more...]
Gubanitsy Church Members Visit Luga
On November 4, 2020, a small group of church members from the Congregation of Gubanitsy visited the Congregation of Luga. The meeting gathered 38 people having a great social time together, doing games for children, and teaching a master class! Many thanks to our friends who made this trip and meeting possible and to the hosts for their warm … [Read more...]
Olga Ryumina Departs This Life on October 25, 2020
On October 25, 2020 at 9:35 am, Olga Yurievna Ryumina, a member of St. Michael’s Lutheran Church in St. Petersburg, a member of the church council, head of Hope Charitable Foundation aiding women in crisis situations, departed this earthly life to be with the Lord. Mrs. Ryumina was a regular contributor to the Church of Ingria magazine. All her … [Read more...]
New Deacon Ordained
On October 9 , 2020, during the worship service which opened the 32nd synod of The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria, Dmitri Avdeyev was ordained as a deacon for service at the Congregation of Gubanitsy. The rite of ordination was administered by ELCIR Bishop Ivan Laptev together with ELCIR Chief Secretary Rev. Ivanov, Senior Pastor of St. … [Read more...]