On February 14, 2024, The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia and The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Russia met for another theological colloquy. Decisions: 1. Adopt the text of the Declaration on Marriage and get approval from the ELCR General Consistory to sign it. 2. Prepare a Declaration on the Historical … [Read more...]
ELCIR–ELCR relations commission meets in St. Petersburg
On September 19, 2023, the commission for the relations between The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Russia (ELCR) and The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia (ELCIR) met again in St. Petersburg. The commission reviewed plans to establish a museum of Protestantism, administrative matters related to ministries in different cities in … [Read more...]
ELCIR ecclesiastics meet with Archbishop Provorov
On July 21, 2023, Archbishop Vladimir Provorov of The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Russia met with representatives of The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia: Pastor Olav Panchu, Pastor Konstantin Subbotin, and Pastor Dmitri Rozet. They discussed the most significant points of contact between the two church bodies and areas … [Read more...]
Dean Panchu attends Day of National Unity celebration at Saratov seat of government
On November 3, 2022, Senior Pastor Olav Panchu of St. John’s Lutheran Church of Saratov, Dean of the ELCIR Volga Deanery, attended the celebration of Day of National Unity at the Saratov Oblast Government Building. Saratov Oblast Governor Roman Busargin extended his greetings to all people living in the region. Holiday greetings from local … [Read more...]
Synod appoints new TICI rector, elects board of trustees
One of the important decisions of the 34th Synod of The Church of Ingria which convened on October 14, 2022 was the appointment of the new rector of the ELCIR Theological Institute (TICI). Effective from November 1, 2022, Pastor Konstantin Subbotin, Cand. Sc. (Philology), will be the new rector. The synod also elected a new board of … [Read more...]