On February 14, 2024, The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia and The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Russia met for another theological colloquy.
1. Adopt the text of the Declaration on Marriage and get approval from the ELCR General Consistory to sign it.
2. Prepare a Declaration on the Historical Affinity of the ELCR and the ELCIR.
3. Prepare a common vision document on social ministry in the ELCR and the ELCIR.
4. Hold a Reformation Day conference to discuss Holy Scripture in the ELCR and the ELCIR.
5. Have an ELCIR representative attend the presentation of the ELCR pocket edition of Luther’s Small Catechism.
6. Publicize in the ELCR the information about the ELCIR conference on pastoral leadership to be held from April 30 to May 3, 2024.
7. Set March 2, 2024 as a tentative date for the next meeting of the Commission. Invite Bishop Sergei Holzwert of the ELC of European Russia to the meeting.
In photo (l to r): Pastor Mikhail Ivanov (ELCIR); Pastor Olav Panchu (ELCIR); Pastor Anton Tikhomirov (ELCR); ELCIR Bishop Ivan Laptev; ELCR Archbishop Vladimir Provorov; Pastor Yevgeni Raskatov (ELCIR)