“And you shall remember the whole way that the LORD your God has led you. . . that he might make you know that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD.” (Deut. 8:2-3, ESV) This Bible passage prefaced a prayer service led by Bishop Ivan Laptev at the memorial cross in Lembolovo, … [Read more...]
Rev. Mikhailov Visits Church Hill
On January 5, 2021, Rev. Yevgeni Mikhailov, senior pastor of the Lutheran Church of Pushkin, St. Petersburg, who also serves the Lempaala Parish in Steklyanny, Leningrad Oblast, visited Tserkovny kholm ("the Church Hill") where the parish church stood from 1611 to 1935. (Click to enlarge picture at left.) Today, the memorial cross that was erected … [Read more...]
Bishop Laptev, Dean Hutter Visit Congregations, Discuss Plans
On May 15, 2020, Bishop Ivan Laptev and Rev. Ivan Hutter, dean of the St. Petersburg Deanery, visited the congregation in Steklyanny. They delivered food aid, held a meeting with the congregation about the upcoming repairs on the church building, and made plans for a volunteer work day. Later that day, in the Kanneljärvi Congregation in Pobeda, … [Read more...]
Catechist Installed for Congregation in Steklyanny
On April 26, 2020, Vyacheslav Merzlyakov, a 2019 graduate of the ELCIR Theological Institute, was installed as a catechist in the Lembolovo parish church located in Steklyanny, Leningrad Oblast. The church in Steklyanny was built in an area that has a special significance for The Church of Ingria. Lembolovo is the village where the earliest … [Read more...]