Translated from a text by Anitta Lepomaa By tradition, the festival of the Kylväjä Mission Society in Finland takes place one week before St. John the Baptist Day. This year, because of the coronavirus pandemic, the festival was held online. On Friday, June 12, 2020, there was a webinar on outreach to refugees in Southern Europe. In 2015, the wave … [Read more...]
Live or recorded streams on June 18, 2020
6:00 Morning Bible reading and prayer in the VK group of ELCIR at 18:00 Bible study in the VK group of the congregation in Kazan at 21:00 Evening Bible reading and prayer in the VK group of ELCIR at 21:00 Evening prayer in the VK group of the congregation in Petrozavodsk … [Read more...]
Live or recorded streams on June 16, 2020
8:00 Morning Bible reading and prayer in the VK group of ELCIR at 18:00 Bible study in the VK group of the congregation in Kazan at 19:30 Bible study in the VK group of St. John the Baptist Congregation in St. Petersburg at 21:00 Evening Bible reading and … [Read more...]
Thank You, Prayer Leaders!
Many thanks to the pastors and deacons of The Church of Ingria who have been leading the churchwide online evening prayer! Some of them recorded the prayer in their church, others prayed at their home altar. They have different technical capabilities and internet connection speeds. We are grateful to each who has responded! By now, 25 ministers … [Read more...]
Churches during Pandemic, News Story on Karelian TV
News story on Karelian TV in Finnish about church life under lockdown in Karelia Based on a Russian translation by Darya Shkurlyatyeva Last Sunday, many Christians including Lutherans celebrated Palm Sunday. The faithful spent the holiday at home as all pubic associations including religious ones had to close their doors to prevent the spread of … [Read more...]