On January 13, 2024, Mikael Agricola Choir directed by Darya Shkurlyatyeva from the Lutheran Church of Vyborg, Leningrad Oblast, traveled to St. Petersburg. Together with the choir and bell ensemble of St. Michael’s Lutheran Church, they closed the season of Christmas song. The program included Christmas songs, instrumental versions of … [Read more...]
ELCIR commemorates war victims on Day of Remembrance and Sorrow
On June 22, 2023, St. Petersburg together with all Russia remembers the beginning of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45. On this day, the city’s residents visit Piskaryovskoye Memorial Cemetery to commemorate the war victims. About 420,000 civilians and 50,000 soldiers of the Leningrad Front were buried in the cemetery’s 186 mass graves. During the … [Read more...]
Rev. Petrov and Tatiana Ryumina present book as St. Michael’s Lutheran Church celebrates anniversaries
On December 11, 2022, St. Michael’s Lutheran Church of St. Petersburg marked the 290th anniversary of its establishment and 30 years since its revival. The celebration gathered Lutherans, evangelical Christians, descendants of St. Michael’s historical parishioners, and workers of museum communities. The festival culminated in the … [Read more...]
Christian clergymen and laity remember blessed departed in St. Petersburg cemetery
On November 2, 2022, there was a memorial worship service in Smolenskoye Lutheran Cemetery in St. Petersburg in remembrance of all who were laid to rest in this old necropolis. In Christian unity and prayer, Fr. Roman from the Russian Orthodox Church of the Smolenskaya Icon of the Mother of God and the ministers and laypeople from several Lutheran … [Read more...]
Confirmation at St. Michael’s Church St. Petersburg
On the bright sunny morning of Victory Day, May 9, while troops were parading in Palace Square, St. Petersburg, St. Michael’s Lutheran Church was getting reinforcement! Sergei Trepak who graduated from confirmation class was confirmed by Rev. Dmitri Petrov and joined our Lutheran family. God’s blessings on our new brother in Christ! Photo … [Read more...]