The letter of greetings on the occasion of Russia Day from Governor of St. Petersburg Aleksandr Beglov to Bishop Ivan Laptev (English translation): "Dear Ivan Sergeyevich, "I wish you a happy Russia Day! "This national holiday unites us all in our sincere feelings for our Fatherland and our desire to work for its development and … [Read more...]
New Year and Christmas Greetings of Governor Beglov
New Year and Christmas Greetings of Governor of St. Petersburg Aleksandr Beglov Dear Ivan Sergeyevich, I wish you and your church members a Happy 2021 and a Merry Christmas! In these joyful days, we turn to eternal spiritual values. For Christians, the Nativity is a time of expecting a miracle, a time of pure hopes. It moves one to be … [Read more...]
Bishop Laptev Represents ELCIR at Meeting with Governor Beglov
On December 29, 2020, in anticipation of the new year, Governor of St. Petersburg Aleksandr Beglov met with representatives of religious faiths. Bishop Ivan Laptev represented The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria. The Governor thanked the representatives for working together to ensure people’s safety during the pandemic and for helping their … [Read more...]
Easter Greetings of Governor Beglov, St. Petersburg
Easter greetings of St. Petersburg Governor Aleksandr Beglov to Bishop Ivan Laptev, clergy, workers, and congregants of The Church of Ingria. To Bishop Ivan Sergeyevich Laptev, Head of The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia, Dear Right Reverend Bishop, I wish you, all the clergymen, workers, and congregants a happy Feast of the … [Read more...]