On Saturday, February 8, 2020, at 18:00 there will be a celebration at St. Mary’s Cathedral in St. Petersburg to thank Bishop Arri Kugappi for serving The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria for many years. You are warmly welcome! Ministers, congregants, and all of the good friends of The Church of Ingria are invited! You’ll have a chance … [Read more...]
XXX Synod of the ELCI was held in Cathedral

Synod 2019 The first day of the Synod opened with a Divine Service. The official business began with an opening speech by the Main Secretary, pastor Mikhail Ivanov. This year, out of a concern for fairness, he did not present a full report, as he was one of the four candidates for the post of Bishop, but only reminded those gathered that the … [Read more...]
Solemn ceremony at the Piskarevskoe cemetery

On September 8, a solemn funeral ceremony of laying wreaths and flowers dedicated to the Day of memory of the victims of the blockade was held at the Piskarevskoe memorial cemetery. Young members of the lutheran congregations from St. Petersburg participated at the ceremony with the flowers from the name of the Church of Ingria. ELCI … [Read more...]
Meeting in the ELCI Central Office

On June 8, the head of the diaconal Department of the ELCI Galina Vinogradova met with the coordinators of the family Ministry, pastor Valery Antipov and Natalia Antipova in the Central office of the Church of Ingria. The issues of further development of family Ministry were discussed there during the conversation. press-service of the ELCI … [Read more...]
Fire in Kemerovo

On behalf of the Bishop, pastors, deacons and parishioners of the Church of Ingria, we offer our deepest condolences to the families and friends of those who died in the shopping center in the city of Kemerovo. May the merciful Lord console and strengthen you! We express our sincere hope for the speedy recovery of all victims. The mercy of … [Read more...]