From February 18-19, 2020, Norwegian young people led by Mr. Steinar Harila, the founder of the charity Hjelp til Russland, visited Vesenneye Solntse / Vårsol (“The Spring Sun”), a social village built on Hjelp til Russland funds in Taitsy, Leningrad Oblast, in 2009 for families with own and adopted children, which also has a chapel and guest rooms. Hjelp til Russland assists socially vulnerable people, retired people, underage people, large families, and other needy people. The visiting group included teenagers who are soon to be confirmed. Local confirmands from Taitsy Chapel, a religious group of The Church of Ingria, together with residents of Vesenneye Solntse / Vårsol performed several songs for the guests. Children from the village sang together with the adults and performed a dance. The Norwegian youth treated the Taitsy people to singing, vibrant dances, and a skit on a serious spiritual topic. The performances were followed by informal fellowship overcoming the language barrier. Many thanks to the Norwegians for their spiritual support! We are looking forward to their next visit in May!
Photo credits: Taitsy Chapel