Dear Ivan Sergeyevich,
I sincerely wish you a joyful Feast of the Nativity of Christ!
The coming of God’s Son into this world changed the course of history forever. The world plunged into darkness was illuminated by heavenly light—the light of God’s Mercy, which brings salvation to all people. We believe it and feel it in a special way in the Christmas night.
The passing year was very complicated for us all. But in such times it is especially important to care wisely and responsibly for the common good, strive for justice, peace, security, and concord. The love of God shown to people in Jesus Christ transforms life, sets us free from evil, makes peace and joy dwell in people’s hearts.
I wish you and your loved ones good health and strength, peace in your hearts, steadfastness of spirit, success in all your good endeavors, courage in difficult moments, and firm hope that, by God’s will and mercy, love will triumph over hatred, truth over lies, forgiveness over resentment, and reconciliation over enmity.
With blessing and prayer,
Bishop Nikolai Dubinin, OFM Conv