On October 26, 2022, intramural and extramural bachelor’s program students defended their term papers at the ELCIR Theological Institute in Koltushi, Leningrad Oblast.
Deacon Aleksandr Protasov (Lutheran Church in Irkutsk, 4th year, intramural): “Pastoral Care for People with Chemical Addictions.” Research advisor: Bishop Ivan Laptev, MTh.
Olga Sosnina (Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Moscow, 2nd year, extramural): “The History of Israel in the Egyptian Sources of the New Kingdom Period and the Third Transition Period.” Research advisor: Deacon Aleksei Kargaltsev, MTh, Cand. Sc. (History).
Catechist Maksim Zuyev (Lutheran Church in Kursk, 2nd year, extramural): “Demon-Possession and the Casting Out of Demons in the Holy Scriptures.” Research advisor: Pastor Mikhail Ivanov, MTh.
Andrei Ignatov (St. John’s Estonian ELCIR Church (Jaani Kirik) in St. Petersburg, 2nd year, extramural): “The Liturgy of the Estonian Lutheran Church as Part of the German-Baltic Liturgical Tradition.” Research advisor: Pastor Fyodor Tulynin.
Viktor Buryanov (St. Mary’s Lutheran Cathedral in St. Petersburg, 2nd year, extramural): “Traditional Lutheran Anthropology.” Research advisor: Sergei Isayev, MTh, Cand. Sc. (History).
Catechist Ivan Ryasik (Lutheran Church in Kirov, 2nd year, extramural): “An Analysis of Martin Luther’s Catechism: History of Its Writing, Structure, and Theological Value.” Research advisor: Deacon Aleksei Kargaltsev, MTh, Cand. Sc. (History).
Catechist Mark Kirschstein (Tyrö Lutheran Church in Lomonosov, 3rd year, extramural): “A Comparative Analysis of the Principles and Methods of Mission Work: Based on the Material of Liberal and Confessional Lutheran Churches.” Research advisor: Pastor Leif Camp.
Deacon Andrei Polyakov (Hietamäki Lutheran Church in Innolovo, 3rd year, extramural): “The Liturgical Works of J. S. Bach.” Research advisor: Darya Shkurlyatyeva.
Maria Kim (St. Petersburg, 3rd year, extramural): “A Review of Luther’s Prefaces to the Books of the New Testament.” Research advisor: Pastor Dmitri Rozet, MTh.
Photos by Veronika Pogasiy