The participants came from Kondopoga and Petrozavodsk and attended the following classes:
- Bishop Ivan Laptev: Sola Scriptura. Luther’s Exegetical Principles. The Structure of a Sermon. The Sermon as the Power of the Church.
- Deacon Anton Rudoi: Biblical Exegesis and the Book of Concord. Contemporary Methods of Interpreting the Bible. Interpretation Errors.
- Olga Rudaya: A Historical Overview of Biblical Exegesis before the Reformation. The Literal and the Symbolic Understanding of Scripture. The Four Senses of Scripture.
- Catechist Danil Andreyev: Holding Meetings and Leading Small Bible Groups.
Saturday’s evening program included a meeting with author, translator and Christian singer Artur Soitu and a music band from Petrozavodsk. The day closed with a communion service.
Many thanks to the Kondopoga congregation for their hospitality and warm welcome!
Photos by Oksana Dyba