(August 29–) September 10 – Extramural bachelor’s program term at the ELCIR Theological Institute (years 2-5).
September 3 – Ideas for the celebration of Michaelmas (online). Organized by the ELCIR Children & Youth Department.
September 3 – Organ tour at St. Mary’s Lutheran Cathedral, St. Petersburg.
September 4 – Closure of the Creation Exhibition at St. Anne’s Lutheran Church, St. Petersburg.
September 11 – Diaconal festival. Churchwide collection for the diaconal ministry of The Church of Ingria.
September 16-18 – Personal Spiritual Life class of the Initial Theological Course at the Lutheran Church of Petrozavodsk, Karelia, involving a praise group from Olonets.
September 17 – Don’t Let Yourself Dry Out event for child & youth servants. Specific congregation to be announced.
September 18 – Thirtieth anniversary of the dedication of Koltushi Lutheran Church, Leningrad Oblast.
September 29 – Meeting of the Bishop’s Council.
September 30 – Meeting of the Synodal Council.