The Russian translation of Baptism, Faith and Salvation in the Bible and the Lutheran Confessions by Bishop Emeritus Matti Väisänen is at the printer! Why get baptized if the person has already received salvation by coming to faith in the Gospel? Väisänen likens faith before baptism to a spiritual conception and faith after baptism to a spiritual birth. A confessional Lutheran, Väisänen can challenge such pillars of Lutheran orthodoxy as C. F. W. Walther and F. Pieper.
Bishop Matti Väisänen (b. 1934) holds a doctor of theology degree from the University of Helsinki (2007). His doctoral paper was on the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, a subject he had been studying for more than 25 years and written several articles and books on. In 2010–2013, he was the bishop of the Mission Province, which is known today as the Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese of Finland. Check back to know when the printed copies of the Russian translation by Tatiana Shadrunova will be available from the Headquarters of The Church of Ingria in St. Petersburg!
Information courtesy of Darya Shkurlyatyeva, coordinator of the project