October 1 – Synodal Council meets.
October 3 – Churchwide collection of offerings for children & youth ministry.
October 9 – Marriage seminars start at St. Mary’s Cathedral, St. Petersburg.
October 10 – Fifteen years since the stone church of Skvoritsy was dedicated.
October 15 – ELCIR Synod.
October 16-18 – Seminar for Uralic Deanery leaders.
October 24 – Thirtieth anniversary of the Congregation of Pitkyaranta.
October 28 – Reformation Day conference at the ELCIR Theological Institute.
October 28-29 – Meeting of the ELCIR Karelian Deanery at the Congregation of Petrozavodsk, Karelia.
October 31 – Reformation Day.
October 31 – Churchwide collection of offerings for the ELCIR Theological Institute.
Regular activities:
Music concerts at St. Anne’s Evangelical Lutheran Church of St. Petersburg (Annenkirche): https://vk.com/concert_st_anna
Music concerts at St. Mary’s Evangelical Lutheran Cathedral of St. Petersburg: https://vk.com/stmariaconcert
Music concerts at St. Michael’s Evangelical Lutheran Cathedral of St. Petersburg: https://vk.com/spbstmihail
Music concerts at St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church (Jaani kirk) of St. Petersburg: https://concert.jaanikirik.ru/events
Music concerts at Transfiguration of Our Lord Evangelical Lutheran Church of Zelenogorsk: https://vk.com/zelenogorskevent
Music concerts at Resurrection of Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church of Pushkin, St. Petersburg: https://vk.com/pushkin_church
Music concerts at St. Andrew’s Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bolshoye Kuzyomkino: https://vk.com/kuzemkinokirha
Music concerts at Sts. Peter and Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church of Vyborg: https://vk.com/viborg_sobor
Music concerts at St. Nicholas’ Evangelical Lutheran Church of Gatchina: https://vk.com/evl.lut.church.nicholas
Music concerts at the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Gubanitsy: https://vk.com/club67098835
Music concerts at St. Andrew’s Evangelical Lutheran Church of Kazan: https://vk.com/kazanlut
Music concerts at the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Petrozavodsk: https://vk.com/kirkko
Music concerts at the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Toksovo: https://vk.com/organtoksovo
Music concerts at Yamburgsky Evangelical Lutheran Church of Kingisepp: https://vk.com/jamburgski