On September 19, 2021, the Lutheran church in Pechory, Pskov Oblast, which belongs to The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Russia marked its 100th anniversary. Pechory is a town on the Russian-Estonian border. The church holds worship services in Estonian and Russian and also lets the local ELCIR Lutheran groups use its space for worship. The anniversary activities included lighting candles in the local cemetery in remembrance of the deceased, a worship service in the church, an organ concert, and celebration meals together. The event was attended by the Consul General of Estonia and representatives of The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Russia and The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria. The Church of Ingria was represented by Rev. Dean Ivan Hutter of the ELCIR St. Petersburg Deanery, Rev. Aleksandr Kudryavtsev, Deacon Mikhail Nikulin, and parishioners from Pskov and Pechory. In his word of greeting, Rev. Hutter reminded everybody of the history of Estonian and Ingrian Finnish Lutherans during the years of atheistic persecution and the important role the church in Pechory and Estonian pastors played helping preserve and revive the Ingrian Lutheran tradition in the Soviet time.