From September 10-12, 2021, the ELCIR Theological Institute (TICI) in Koltushi, Leningrad Oblast, hosted an evangelism retreat for members of St. Mary’s Cathedral Church of St. Petersburg. On Friday evening, the participants studied Romans 15 with the bishops Ivan Laptev and Arri Kugappi. Saturday was the busiest day as St. Mary’s parishioners had a Bible study with Rev. Ivanov reflecting on how we can proclaim God’s Word as Law and Gospel to the modern people, heard Bishop Emeritus Kugappi sharing about the history of Christians during the atheistic persecution, had a master class in origami and dance, and gathered in St. George’s Church of Koltushi for a prayer service with St. Mary’s band led by Rev. Petteri Mannermaa to pray about various needs and praise God together! After dark, the group gathered around a campfire to fellowship, eat roasted sausages, bread and marshmallow, and to sing hymns to the guitar till around midnight. Thanks be to God for His blessing of two sunny and warm days amidst St. Petersburg rain! Many thanks to all the dear people who organized this event and participated in it!