Members of Christ the Savior Lutheran Church in Novosibirsk are enhancing their music ministry by using Hauptwerk® and their own God-given skills. Hauptwerk® is a computer program designed to allow the playback or live performance of pipe organ music using MIDI and recorded sound samples. With the multitude of regularly updated samples provided with Hauptwerk®, you can choose what organ you want to play on a given day – the organ of Salisbury Cathedral or the one of the Palace of Arts Budapest, a 1680 Arp Schnitger or a 1903 Cavaillé-Coll, romantic or baroque, a symphonic or a cinema organ or even a harpsichord. However, to enjoy the beautiful sound of all those instruments you need a keyboard.
Church members in Novosibirsk decided to build a two-manual electronic organ console of their own! They developed its control circuitry and designed and made the manuals and the pedalboard, using different types of wood such as ash, birch, aspen, and wenge.
On Sunday, June 6, 2021, Christ the Savior celebrated a divine service using their own organ for the first time! Today the Church of Novosibirsk plays organs and harpsichords from all around the world. We’re looking forward to audio recordings and a more detailed story of the project!
Original post in Russian by Darya Shkurlyatyeva, ELCIR Press Service
Photo courtesy Timur Pamyatnykh