On June 17, 2021, Bishop Ivan Laptev represented The Church of Ingria in an online meeting of the Advisory Council of the Heads of Protestant Churches in Russia. The Church of Ingria has been on the Council as a full member since December 2019.
Items of discussion:
– Preparation for a World Conference on Intercultural and Interreligious Dialog scheduled for 2022, possibly inviting the world’s religious leaders;
– Advancing the initiative of Archbishop Dietrich Brauer of The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Russia to establish a Museum of Protestantism in Russia (an initiative supported by Russian President Vladimir Putin);
– Preparation for the annual forum “Religion, Law, State”;
– Starting to interact with the Institute of Religion and Policy, a research center for exploring specific interrelations and realistic mutual influences of religion and politics in the world and in Russia in the age of globalization.
Photo credits: IRP, EliasMeltemi