Rev. Juha Saari shared about the faithfulness and steadfastness of Finnish missionaries and pastors who served the churches in Siberia in pre-revolutionary Russia. He also showed many photos and documents he had collected over the course of 30 years.
Rev. Konstantin Subbotin, Dean of the Uralic Region, focused on the challenges of the Church in our day and age and the importance of preserving the teaching and remaining steadfast in the main things.
Bishop Ivan Laptev talked about the faithfulness of God’s people described in the Old Testament and the reasons we need written documents such as certificates, constitutions, and statutes and their importance in order to stay on the right way.
Rev. Ville Melanen, Dean of the Siberian Region, spoke about the faithfulness of many servants in the New Testament.
The leaders of ELCIR Family Ministry Rev. Valeri and Natalia Antipov talked about faithfulness in ministers’ families, in particular, physical faithfulness, faithfulness in fellowship, faithfulness in financial matters, and devoting your time to your spouse.
On June 12, Timur Pamyatnykh was ordained into the Office of Pastor. He had completed his studies at the ELCIR Theological Institute and received a bachelor of theology degree. The topic of his thesis was “Disciplinary Practices in the ELCIR.” He has received a call from Christ the Savior Congregation in Novosibirsk.