We’re pleased to present several group photos from “The Way of Eve,” the first Women’s Conference of the ELCIR which ended a few days ago.
Cordial thanks go to
– Our Lord who gave us this blessed meeting.
– The workers of the Theological Institute for their help and kindness. Special thanks go to administrator Anna Klassen, the excellent chefs, and Children & Youth Department Instructor Aleksei Lozhkin.
– Bishop Ivan Laptev for supporting the idea of the conference and his go-ahead at every step of the way as the idea materialized.
– The dear participants for their warmth, love, sincerity, and trust.
– The Congregation of Koltushi for letting us do the program in their church.
– The speakers for their presentations and the Word they shared.
We pray the Lord blesses this beginning and women’s conferences become a good tradition in The Church of Ingria.
Click link for many more photos.