For those interested in online Lutheran audio resources in Russian, the Lutheran Congregation of Koltushi in its VK group has been posting audios of Luther’s Large Catechism read by congregation members. By now, they’ve completed all the sections on the Ten Commandments.
The pastor of the congregation Rev. Mikhail Ivanov offered the congregation to read through the Large Catechism during Lent. Thoughtful congregants saw this as an opportunity to help an elderly sister in Christ who has trouble reading on her own. As a result, 28 congregants and pastors of the church in Koltushi joined efforts in a unique project. There are no voice professionals among the readers (except the pastors ). It’s the pastors’ wives and children, young families with children (where the moms recorded while some of the dads babysat) or without children, construction workers after a hard day’s work and retired people. It was so great that even when we had to hurry some of the them or offered them to reconsider their participation as some of them are really short of time or energy, no one (!) wanted to give up. All of the congregants who were offered to record have participated in the reading project.
A huge thank you to everybody and glory be to the Lord!