By Darya Shkurlyatyeva, responsible editor
The new issue of Tserkov Ingrii, the Russian-language Church of Ingria Magazine, is fresh from the printer! The press run has been delivered to our Church’s Headquarters in St. Petersburg. While the good assistant of the Information Department Lyubov Savolainen is dispatching the copies, click this link to read and download the online Russian version.
In this issue:
P. 3: Welcoming address by Ivan Laptev, Bishop of The Church of Ingria, editor-in-chief.
P. 4-5: “Pray that God may open to us a door for the word.” The Pastor’s Hour, an online project of Rev. Mikhail Ivanov. The day before yesterday marked the 50th installment of The Pastor’s Hour!
P. 6-7: The Church and the Internet. Rev. Dmitri Rozet discusses when one may “remove their own appendix” and when one had better not do it.
P. 8-9: “Quiet Experience” in One’s Own Heart. Veronika Pogasiy talks with Bishop Emeritus Kugappi about the ministry of a bishop, joys and sorrows, and life during the pandemic.
P. 10: ELCIR Church Music Committee Established! The synod has approved the initiative voiced by Rev. Dean Ivan Hutter of the ELCIR St. Petersburg Region.
P. 11: The new Russian translation of the hymn “It Is Well With My Soul” (Spafford/Bliss) by Roman Turenko, a member of the Congregation of Nizhny Novgorod. Incidentally, we have another translation of that hymn which we’re going to publish in this VK group along with the music.
P. 12-13: “All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful.” Marina Väisä, chief organist of St. Mary’s Cathedral, head of the ELCIR Church Music Committee, on selecting music for church concerts.
P. 14-17: The vision of the renovation of Sts. Peter and Paul Church in Toksovo and adjacent land. Material prepared by excellent students from St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering under the guidance of their instructor Ksenia Gubinskaya, Candidate of Architecture.
P. 18, 21: News briefs.
P. 19-20: Remembering those who went to be with the Lord in the recent months: Maira Savenko, Rev. Sergei Nezhdanov, Olga Ryumina, Rev. Vladimir Bochkov, Rev. Juho Pakkar.
P. 22-23: New Servants of The Church of Ingria. Installation of five catechists, ordination of three deacons and one pastor.
P. 24-25: “I always struggled with God about being a pastor.” Missionary Pastor Leif Camp talks about his life.
P. 26-28: Anniversary Year in Volosovo. Interview with Rev. Leonard Kazakov.
P. 29: On Prayer. Rev. Dean Konstantin Subbotin of the ELCIR Uralic Deanery discusses whether we need “the seven most powerful prayers.”
P. 30: Construction Projects. The new TICI building, the church in Ulan-Ude.
P. 31: People as a Gift. Darya Vasilyeva talks about amazing creative people she has met in her life—Alyssa Anders, Rev. Petteri and Anu Mannermaa.
P. 32: Poetic Greetings from the Church of Pitkyaranta. A poem by Viktor Koryshev.
From now on, we will publish part of the materials online as we’re designing an electronic version of the magazine which will be larger than the hard copy. We will soon publish a Russian translation of some of the materials from Inkerin Kirkko, our Finnish-language magazine.
God bless you and give you joy as you read!
Cover photo: Confirmation in Olonets, January 17, 2021.