By Aleksei Lozhkin
From February 12-14, 2021 at the Lutheran Congregation of Koltushi, there was a youth meet-up entitled “The Narrow Way.” It gathered young people of age 18 or older, which gave everyone a chance to talk about faith, personal testimonies, and Christian life. During the three days, we studied and discussed 2 Timothy, sang hymns to God, prayed, played board games, performed skits, composed songs, and shared about our Christian life.
Below is some of the young people’s feedback about what they liked and best remember:
“The open microphone session, conversation in groups.”
“I liked the program. Bible studies, songs, conversations, prayer, and food—that’s exactly what it takes to have a perfect get-together. The participants were wonderful! The atmosphere was so warm and friendly.”
“The atmosphere, the 18+ limit, no “classic style” groups after Bible study, free social time.”
“The open microphone session, the Bible study led by Bishop Emeritus Arri Kugappi.”
Photo credits: Kristina Gainova