Incoming calls to the Headquarters phone no. +7 (812) 312-83-39 can now be forwarded to the mobile phone of secretary Nina Savolainen and head of the Diaconal Dept. Aleksandr Smirnov. We do our best to keep in touch with our congregations. If you hear a forwarding message (or strange sounds), please wait a little and your call will be answered.
ELCIR Departments:
Children & Youth, Diaconal, Information, Mission, Fundraising are looking forward to congregations’ requests and ideas.
The Bishop’s Electronic Office:
Bishop Laptev continues to receive visitors online. He’s available for online conversation every Wednesday. Choose one of the time options and sign up for a conversation with the bishop.
Times: 13:00; 13:30; 14:00; 14:30; 15:00; 15:30; 16:00; 16:30; 17:00; 17:30; 18:00; 18:30.
Sign up by messaging the VK group of the ELCIR headquarters or Ivan Laptev directly. You can use any messenger of your choice such as Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp, Viber, and others.