3:00 Morning Bible reading and prayer in the VK group of The ELCIR: https://vk.com/infoinkeri
6:00 Bible study at the Congregation of Novosibirsk: https://vk.com/sibirkirche
10:00 Worship service at the Congregation of Kalevala: https://vk.com/marian_kirkko_kalevala
10:00 Worship service in Finnish and Russian at the Congregation of Koltushi: https://vk.com/koltushski_prixod
10:30 Worship service in Finnish at St. Mary’s Cathedral of St. Petersburg: https://vk.com/stmariaspb
11:00 Worship service at the Congregation of Vyborg: https://vk.com/viborg_sobor
11:00 Worship service at the Congregation of Petrozavodsk at https://vk.com/kirkko
11:00 Worship service at Sts. Peter and Paul Congregation of Moscow:
12:00 Worship service at the Congregation of Nizhny Novgorod at https://vk.com/lutheran_nn
12:30 Worship service at St. Mary’s Cathedral of St. Petersburg at https://vk.com/stmariaspb
13:00 Worship service at the Congregation of Yukki at https://vk.com/haapakangas
14:00 Worship service at St. John the Baptist Community of St. Petersburg at https://vk.com/stjohnbaptistcommunity
14:30 Bible study at St. Mary’s Cathedral of St. Petersburg at https://vk.com/stmariaspb
15:20 Sermon at the Congregation of Vidlitsa at https://vk.com/public15068246
16:00 Worship service on the page of Deacon Tsvetkov (Congregation in Kronstadt): https://vk.com/ptsve
17:00 Evening Bible reading and prayer in the VK group of The ELCIR at https://vk.com/infoinkeri