Below are some of the decisions of the 32nd Synod of the ELCIR
The Synod approved the following composition of the Synodal Council for 2021-2022:
Core members:
Deacon Timur Pamyatnykh, Novosibirsk, Siberian Deanery
Natalia Antipova, Rzhev, Moscow Deanery
Pastor Ivan Hutter, Yukki, St. Petersburg Deanery
Vadim Bakurin, Koltushi, St. Petersburg Deanery
Irina Sorokina, Kingisepp, West Ingrian Deanery
Tatiana Ryumina, St. Michael’s Church, St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg Deanery
Yakov Vazik, Petrozavodsk, Karelian Deanery
Olga Yashcheritsyna, Borisoglebsk, Volga Deanery
Reserve members:
Olga Ostanina, Novosibirsk, Siberian Deanery
Nadezhda Kotenkova, Holy Trinity Church, Moscow, Moscow Deanery
Pastor Aleksei Uimanen, Toksovo, St. Petersburg Deanery
Boris Kozlenko, Koltushi, St. Petersburg Deanery
Vladislav Scheiberg, Gubanitsy, West Ingrian Deanery
Vitali Mikhalitsyn, Koltushi, St. Petersburg Deanery
Nikolai Rappu, Petrozavodsk, Karelian Deanery
Lyubov Starilova, Borisoglebsk, Volga Deanery
The Synod approved the procedure for admitting new congregations to The Church of Ingria. The document was presented by ELCIR Assessor Rev. Dmitri Rozet.