On September 29, 2020, the Church celebrates the Feast of St. Michael and All Angels. We remember God’s protection which He gives us through His angels.
Since children are an important focus of this feast, our Church has a tradition of collecting offerings on that day for the work of our Children & Youth Department. For a long time, the Children & Youth Dept. did not depend on local donations, being funded by foreign sponsors. As we have been getting less foreign support in the recent years, we are in need of increased local support for our Church.

• We conducted seven youth meetings at different congregations in the St. Petersburg Deanery and one meeting at the congregation in Ruskeala, Karelia.
• We conducted a confirmation training at the Theological Institute in Koltushi, Leningrad Oblast, in spite of the difficulties caused by the pandemic. The training was attended by 16 young people from congregations in Siberia, the Uralic region, Central European Russia, and Northwest Russia.
• During the pandemic, we streamed webcasts for young people where pastors answered their questions.
• We developed several scenario programs for children’s festivals.
• We taught three study modules for children & youth workers and held an event for volunteers called “Don’t Let Yourself Dry Out” on how to prevent a burnout.
• Our main task is to pass on our experience to congregational volunteers.
We are enrolling students in a distance-education course for children & youth workers which starts from October 20 while we continue to teach the study modules in person as well. All volunteers and workers are invited to join the training.
If you want to learn more about the schedules of our activities, you are invited to follow these online communities: