Update from Anna Pomogayet Charity Cluster based at St. Anne’s Lutheran Church in St. Petersburg
As our team continues to give aid, this past week we received 22 requests. We put together 18 food packages 13-15 kg each, helped in the re-issuance of two passports, got a hold of a camping cot, and made a young boy happy by obtaining a computer for him. As you can see, we assist people in various ways and consider each request individually.
We have spent a total of ₽22,500 out of gratefully appreciated private donations. We have delivered another 57 food packages to elderly members of The Church of Ingria thanks to support from Dolgo i schastlivo Foundation.
Currently, we are working to develop the project even further and are seeking partners. You can always give us your financial assistance as even a small donation can buy someone a lunch!
Use this link to the original Russian post and donor page or call +79650022886