On May 30, 2020, the Theological Seminary of The Siberian Evangelical Lutheran Church will host an online conference.
The SELC Seminary holds an annual theological conference on the Saturday of the Exaudi Week, May 30, 2020. This year, due to the coronavirus pandemic restrictions, the conference will be held online in a Zoom meeting (zoom.us) from 14:00 to 17:00 Novosibirsk time (10:00 to 13:00 Moscow time). During the conference, Seminary faculty will present reports, participate in a discussion, and answer listeners’ questions.
The general topic of the conference, Spirituality, was agreed upon last year. Although there is growing interest in insights into this day’s circumstances of church life in connection with self-isolation orders in RF regions, suspension of regular church services, and new forms of church activities, this conference is going to discuss the more traditional topics. The situation with the COVID-19 infection is far from being resolved and needs a more serious and careful analysis than what could be presented “hot on the trail.” Perhaps, this will be the topic of the next conference. Nevertheless, if there is enough time, certain issues of “spirituality during the coronavirus pandemic” could be discussed spontaneously during the third hour of the conference.
The topic Spirituality which will be presented for public discussion for the first time ever during the Seminary’s existence, was prompted by the growing discussion of approaches to the heritage of the Lutheran Church, in particular, the choice between the tradition Lutheran “Word and Sacrament” spirituality and the new type of spirituality based on the post-Protestant paradigm and expediency for mission. Is it possible to find a golden mean between the extreme approaches or does the current state of affairs face a stark choice when the Church must think of itself as being in statu confessionis and reject compromise in the spiritual realm? This, among others, will be the theme of the reports which will be presented in the following order:
• Pavel Khramov, Are We Going to Receive Everything from God? (Mk. 11:24)? Prayer in the Gospel of Mark.
• Andrei Lipnitski, Should it Only be Sola’s? On the Example of Sola Scriptura.
• Aleksei Streltsov, The London Conversion of J. G. Hamann in the Light of Confessional Lutheran Theology.
• Pavel Butakov, To Whom and How is the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding Given?
Links to the Zoom meeting will be published on the Seminary’s website www.lts.ru and Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/events/961836024272849/
no later than one hour prior to the conference.
You are welcome!