By Anna Pomogayet Charity Cluster at St. Anne’s Lutheran Church in St. Petersburg #АннаПомогает (Anna Pomogayet = “Anne helps/aids” in Russian)
Doing good in the quarantine era! A short time ago, we made a post on our website about different ways you can aid as a volunteer! We got an instant response from Zhivi dolgo i schastlivo Charity Foundation which provided us with 400 kg of food! We immediately delivered the food to old ladies and gentlemen, our beloved members of The Church of Ingria as requested by the ELCIR Diaconal Department.
We’d like to remind you that you, too, can aid our city’s residents aged 65+ for whom it’s especially dangerous to leave home during the pandemic. You can wire money to phone number +7 965 002 2886 (which is a Sberbank account of Oleg Belezhenko in the photo on the right) or, if you can, buy groceries yourselves and we’ll pick them up from you. Let’s help our neighbor!