Greetings of Artur Parfenchikov, Head of the Republic of Karelia, to parish ministers and members of Christian churches in the Republic of Karelia, Christians who celebrate Easter according to the Gregorian calendar.
Dear residents of the Republic of Karelia,
I wish you a happy Easter, the Feast of the Luminous Resurrection of Christ! This sacred holiday unites millions of believers worldwide and symbolizes renewal and transition to a new phase in everyone’s life.
The atmosphere of the Easter festivities conveys their great meaning for each person — promoting high moral ideals, supporting peace and concord in our republic and in every home.
Just as thousands years ago, in our time this great day is a festival that symbolizes spring and hope. The Pascha of Christ brings a spiritual transformation and turns people’s attention to core spiritual values that feed our national culture.
The danger of the spreading coronavirus infection and the lockdown for preventing the sickness have drawn together our families even closer.
I sincerely wish everybody, in spite of the challenges of this day, good health and harmony of the heart!
Artur Parfenchikov,
Head of the Republic of Karelia