Dear Brothers and Sisters,
During this year’s Lent, according to the Lord’s judgment, we are going through a new test: the World Health Organization has officially announced a pandemic of the new coronavirus, COVID-19. According to publicized information, thousands of people are infected, many have died.
In the European countries, in the USA, and in other regions, emergency situations are being declared, public events are being canceled, airports are being closed. Leaders of religious confessions are saying words of encouragement and comfort to their flock. As I join in with them, I am praying with all of you about a speedy termination of the epidemic and the recovery of all the sick.
I am calling you to take very seriously the recommendations of the World Health Organization, public health ministries, departments, and offices in our regions concerning strict compliance with precaution and disinfection measures.
I ask the clergymen and the church members in our regions to unite themselves in a prayer for the strengthening of our faith and for help from our Lord, for a speedy termination of the pandemic and the recovery of the sick all around the world.
Be watchful and especially careful in following all of the hygiene standards during these days.
I prayerfully wish all of you help from our Lord, good health, and may the Lord keep us all!
Pastor Olav Panchu, Dean, Bishop’s Vicar, member of Governor’s Council