The ELCIR Diaconal Department has long been considering a drive to donate groceries and make food packages for disadvantaged people. This idea is finally coming to fruition at St. George’s Church in Koltushi! And the Lord is not only sending the resources, but also those who need help. There are several families with many children in great need of this kind of assistance who have come to our attention. We often see truly needy people not knowing how or being too shy to ask for help. Unfortunately, a refrigerator with one pot of boiled buckwheat and one carton of milk is a present-day reality in some families, especially families with many children where the husband is dead or disabled. In our opinion, it would be good if other congregations ran a similar drive to collect groceries. It is physical aid, not money. Bishop Emeritus Arri Kugappi proposes to name this ministry The Widow of Sarepta. Even people with a moderate income could participate in works of mercy by bringing a kilo of groats or something else by their choice.