Excerpts from the decisions of the Synodal Council meeting 01/2020 of January 31, 2020:
– Bless Aleksandr Malyshev to serve as Catechist in Religious Group “The Evangelical Lutheran Congregation in Cheboksary.”
– Enact quotas for the election of synod members for 2020-2023.
– Make changes to the Standing Orders of the Church as proposed by Rev. Dmitri Rozet, Assessor of The Church of Ingria.
– Approve the following board of trustees for Social Service Institution “The Kikerino Boarding House for Seniors and Disabled People” for 2020-2024: Aleksandr Smirnov (representative of the Owner), Lilia Stepanova (Skvoritsy), Rev. Viktor Vorontsov (Gatchina), Irina Fyodorova (representative of the Institution’s workers), Igor Pavlov (St. Anne’s Lutheran Church).
– Regarding the entering of Local Religious Organization “The Evangelical Lutheran Community in Novorossiysk” into Centralized Religious Organization “The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia”: Centralized Religious Organization “The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia” admits into membership Local Religious Organization “The Evangelical Lutheran Community in Novorossiysk.”
– Regarding the entering of the community of St. Mary Magdalene’s Evangelical Lutheran Congregation in Voronezh into The Church of Ingria: Request Rev. Mikhail Ivanov, Chief Secretary of The Church of Ingria, and Rev. Anatoli Pogasi to write a letter stating the conditions on which the said community can enter into the membership of The Church of Ingria. If the general meeting of the congregation accepts the proposed conditions, consider the admission of the community into the membership of The Church of Ingria at a meeting of the Synodal Council.
– The Church of Ingria calls Mikael Gallen (Kansanlähetys, Finnish Lutheran Mission) into the ministry as a coordinator in the Representative Office of The Church of Ingria.
Detailed information on the election to the synod will be published early next week.