The clergymen of the ELCIR West Ingrian Deanery held a meeting on February 5, 2020. They made a decision to support financially the ministry in the congregations in Kuzyomkino and Bolshye Kolpany in the Leningrad Oblast and call Rev. Grigori Lakomov into service in the Deanery.
A schedule was made to conduct several activities together:
– February 23 at 12:30 Laskiainen Celebration at the Congregation in Skvoritsy
– May 12-15 Seminar for pastors at the Theological Institute
– June 20 at 15:00 John the Baptist Day in Toksovo
– July 4 at 12:00 The Anniversaries of the Congregation in Volosovo: 30-25-70 (the service of the congregation, the service of the senior pastor, the senior pastor’s anniversary)
After the meeting, the clergymen enjoyed a meal together. Thank you brothers for the warm meeting!