From January 24 to 26, 2020, the Theological Institute of The Church of Ingria conducted Module 6 of the course for child & youth workers. Here is what Tatiana Liukonen who attended the class had to say: “As always, we enriched ourselves spiritually, we learned new things, shared ideas, and discussed important things.” During class we discussed how one should maintain a budget in the congregation, we learned more about reaching out to children from orphanages, and analyzed the age grouping of children and adolescents. Yelena Tatti led a workshop on the Gotteskoffer method of talking about God. Our sincere thanks go to the teachers Yelena Tatti, Yevgenia Gavrilenko, Zinaida Lurie, and Valeria Aleksandrova for the new knowledge! Module 7 will be taught during March 6-9, 2020.