On January 15, 2020, the followings students defended their term papers:
Deacon Vladimir Vasiliev (4th year, extramural program). Topic: The Development of the Christian Church in the 2nd Century and the 3rd-Century Crisis. Research adviser: S. Isayev, Cand. Sc. (History)
Deacon Yevgeni Raskatov (4th year, extramural program; photo at right). Topic: Catechetical Instruction in the Russian Orthodox Church as Exemplified by the Diocese of St. Petersburg. Research adviser: Rt. Rev. I. Laptev.
Deacon Yefim Romanenko (4th year, extramural program). Topic: The Concept of Tradition in the Theology of Irenaeus. Research adviser: Rev. A. Kargaltsev, Cand. Sc. (History).
Aleksei Heglund (3rd year, extramural program). Topic: Existential Aspects of the Religious Thought of Thomas Aquinas. Research adviser: A. Ivanenko, Cand. Sc. (Phil.)
Yevgenia Gavrilenko (2nd tear, extramural program). Topic: Christian Home Upbringing of Children from ELCIR Congregations. Research adviser: A. Gaidukov, Cand. Sc. (Phil.)
Igor Pavlov (2nd year, extramural program). Topic: The Biblical Basis for Helping the Needy. Research adviser: Rev. A. Kargaltsev, Cand. Sc. (History).
The Theological Institute of The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria is located in Koltushi, Leningrad Oblast, Russia.